AA-Anxiety &Acupunxture


Anxiety has many faces , shades and colours causing many disturbances in our everyday life and comfortable functioning.

From overthinking to disturbed sleep or insomnia, digestive issues such as IBS, pains, tiredness, a feeling of restlessness in the body or mind or even fear causing discomfort or more extreme reactions such as panic attacks or obsessive disorders etc. The list is long and somewhat different for all of us ,but we all know it somehow. 

The good news is that it doesn’t always have to be that way!

Everything is energy, more or less dense and energy likes to flow freely and also transform as it is in constant movement.

In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) this energy also called Qi ( Energy of Life) circulates in Meridians and when there are stagnations of the Qi,  that is when the “trouble begins” . 

You could imagine it for a moment as a traffic on the road or even highway , different places , different speed and density but the principle is the same – ideally we would like it to go smoothly 😉 When the traffic becomes jammed we experience different emotions and when it is jammed for too long it can bare different consequences causing more and more stress and disruption.

Same things happens in our body and mind which over time when not addressed can cause distress, pain or even disease. 

Acupuncture comes to aid by regulating the “traffic” in the body, balancing the Qi both physically and mentally. It does not just treat the symptom that we are experiencing  but the root of the stagnation that is causing it. 

It helps to harmonise the energy for it to flow freely and happily 😉 

Anxiety (in whichever form we might experience it)  often feels like being stuck.. That is because in some way the energy is looping and needs to be redirected. That is precisely what acupuncture can help with- break that loop and the circle of pain so we can feel much more relaxed , energised and equipped to deal with daily life. 

Another therapy that is coming to our rescue with anxiety, depression or feeling stuck in general is Access Bars– a gentle touch with big power.

Access Bars are 32 points on the head that store lots of points of views, thoughts, emotions , conclusions  that were created in the past and therefore are often outdated and irrelevant. These are cluttering our (head) space and contribute to this feeling of being stuck, unable to move forward.

The same looping mechanism takes place and so we might feel lots of struggle , like we are fighting something or someone all the time…

‘Having our Bars run’ – receiving the treatment often makes space, recalibrate and reorganises our thoughts and literally our brain.

If we go back to traffic analogy it is a bit like having lots of cars parked all over the place, taking too much space and also cars going in every directions disrupting the traffic or making it impossible to move. Complete chaos!

With Access Bars we are making space and reorganising the traffic ( of our emotions, thoughts, beliefs etc) We make the road and the connections more clear.

This can have an impact on anxiety by breaking the looping and ‘rewiring the system’ so there are different pathways available, different choice. We often have more clarity after Bars treatment which is very helpful when moving forward instead of feeling trapped..

Treat yourself to a better quality of life where anxiety is not its master!

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