Comfy Vagus Nerve = Comfy You 

 Bowen Technique can help!

You might have heard about this vagus nerve somewhere.

You might even have heard that it is to blame…

Vagus nerve is one of the Cervical Nerves in our body that originates in Brain Stem. All these nerves have very specific and important connections with other nerves and organs and even whole systems. Vagus Nerve also known as “wandering” nerve is the longest and the only cranial nerve that extends beyond head and neck. In fact it runs down through our whole trunk and therefore affects many functions in our body and mind. It interconnects with many nerves in our face, neck and body influencing big part our well being. 

In brief, what does it do? 

It is a key player in mood and anxiety disorders. 

It regulates digestion – swallowing.

It regulates respiration and heart rate. 

It regulates smooth muscle activity and that of lymphatic vessels. 

It is involved in reflex actions such as coughing, sneezing and vomiting.

It controls immune function and inflammation in the body.

Vagus nerve can be overstimulated or under stimulated when constricted, either way it would cause disturbances in one or all the systems mentioned above. That can cause many of uncomfortable and problematic symptoms that affect our daily life in many ways, some of then being very subtle and some much less. 

Example of some problems related to dysfunction of cranial nerves would be: 

general tension  – difficulty concentrating  – feeling “down”  – digestive problems – frustration – difficulty sleeping

general tension  – difficulty concentrating  – feeling “down”  – digestive problems – frustration – difficulty sleeping – arthritis             

frequent colds – excessive worry – allergies – anxiety – nervousness – lack of energy -dizziness – lump in the throat    

tension in neck and shoulders  – migraines /headaches  -back pain -jaw clenching or teeth grinding -eye and facial tension – minor repetitive infections                                  

We are one mechanism with multiple systems operating within and Bowen Technique is a therapy that treats the person as whole. By nature Bowen Technique triggers a nervous system response in the body so it can heal, re align and recorrect on many levels ; mental, physical alignment and chemical too (hormonal). 





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